Group & Sister Companies

Location & Site Planning

etg consulting location and site planning

Please contact the ETG team to discuss your automotive requirements.

The connectivity between your product and the building that wraps around your process has never been more critical. With many years planning and executing projects in the automotive and industrial automation industries, ETG are able to support your master planning requirements and take a wholistic view of product, process and building.

Key considerations of the operations around people, parts and product will ensure a safe and efficient environment, reducing conflict points and keeping things moving. We will liaise with your construction and logistics partners to drive excellence into the construction design to support your process and operations requirements.

ETG can support a number of scalable activities to help plan future facilities, extend existing facilities, or just understand the current state to establish a solid base for expansion. Using the latest 3D scanning and visualisation tools we can identify clashes and errors early in the design phase, ensuring implementation runs smoothly.

  • Master Planning
  • Right Sizing of Buildings and Facilities
  • Construction and Utilities Interface
  • Logistics Planning & Integration
  • Conflict Points
  • Advanced 3D Scanning & Augmented Reality Tools
  • Safety Leadership